⚡️Trendbreak #6⚡️

Buongiorno 🇮🇹!

This week we start by taking a bit of interest in Linux. An aspect often difficult to understand when you are used to Windows is the organization of the file system (at least I remember I had a hard time finding my way around it at the time!). So here's a short video presenting the typical Linux tree structure in broad strokes (thanks to my colleague Antonin for the suggestion!) 🐧

Let's continue with a very well done blog post which explains that there is no "best choice" of graph to visualize a particular type of data: according to the author, it is necessary to know what you are trying to illustrate to build a convincing visualization 📊

And finally, in the good practices category, here is a paper co-authored among others by Fernando Pérez (creator of IPython and Jupyter, and physicist at UC Berkeley) which lists ten rules for writing notebooks in a more reproducible manner and facilitating collaboration.

Happy reading and have a great week! 🤓

By @Clément Chastagnol in
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